# Coding Style Guidelines Writing code with a consistent style improves readability, reduces the chance of making errors, and allows automatic API documentation to be generated correctly. This page focuses only on python coding style. See the [wiki](https://github.com/NeuralNetworkVerification/Marabou/wiki/Coding-Guidelines) for the C++ Marabou style guide. This page is relevant for writing source python files in the maraboupy directory. For information on creating new [tests](3_Tests.md), [examples](4_Examples.md), or [documentation](5_Documentation.md), see the other pages of documentation. ## Code An extensive style guide for writing python code can be found [here](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#introduction). Generally, code should be written to match the style of existing code. 1. Names of classes should start with a capital letter, while methods and attributes should start with a lower-case letter. 2. Camelcase is preferred, though some existing methods instead use underscores to sepearate words. 3. Names of classes, methods, and variables should be descriptive yet concise. 4. Use spaces, not tabs. 5. Add comments as needed to make understanding and modifying your code easier for future developers. 6. Each method (except \_\_init\_\_) and class should have a docstring (see [below](#docstrings)). 7. When in doubt, just follow the existing python style. ## Docstrings Docstrings are comment blocks that appear at the very beginning of a file, class, or method that give information about that file, class, or method. When the API documentation is built, the docstrings from maraboupy python files are used to automatically generate API documentation. For this reason, it is important to add these docstrings and ensure that they are formatted correctly. There are a few valid docsting styles, but the style used in maraboupy is the Google style. This style is briefly explained here, but more information and examples can be found [here](https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html). It is also important to check that docstrings have been formatted correctly by building the html documentation and looking at the modified API documentation to ensure that it looks correct. The documentation can be built by following the instructions in the maraboupy/docs README.md file. ### File docstrings Each file begins with a docstring that explains the contributors, copyright information, and information about the file. In the future, the docstring can be created and updated automatically by the Marabou team. The file docstring follows this format: ``` ''' Top contributors (to current version): - contributer1 - contributer2 This file is part of the Marabou project. Copyright (c) 2017-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations. All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing information. Brief description of file. Longer description if necessary. ''' ``` ### Class docstring The class docstring should be defined immediately after the class is defined, and there should be no docstring after the \_\_init\_\_ method. Class docstrings take the form: ``` '''Brief description of class Longer description of class (If needed. Can be ommitted.) Args: arg1 (type): Description of arg1. arg2 (type, optional): Description of arg2. Defaults to . Attributes: attr1 (type): Description of attr1 attr2 (type): Description of attr1 ''' ``` It is important to have empty lines between the different docstring sections, as shown in the above example. The location of the colon after the type is also important. If the class is not initialized with arguments, the Args section can be ommitted. Attributes from a parent class do not need to be included. ### Method docstring Method docstrings are very similar to class docstrings, except the Attributes section will be skipped, and a Returns section will be used if the function returns something. Method docstrings take the form: ``` '''Brief descripton of method Longer description of method (If needed. Can be ommitted.) Args: arg1 (type): Description arg1. arg2 (type, optional): Description of arg2. Defaults to . Returns: (return Type): Description of return ''' ``` The Returns section can be omitted if the function does not return anything. If there are multiple returns, use the format ``` ''' Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: - return1 (type): Description of return1 - return2 (type): Description of return2 ''' ``` If the type is a class defined in maraboupy, you can create a link to that class using something like ``` ''' Returns: (:class:`~marabopy.MarabouUtils.Equation`): New Maraboupy equation ''' ``` A return type like this will show up as a link that will take you to documentation for the MarabouUtils.Equation class. If a method is private and shouldn't be used by users, and therefore shouldn't be included in the API documentation, add ``` ''' :meta private: ''' ``` at the very end of the docstring.