# Examples Example files can be helpful to show users a variety of ways that Maraboupy can be used. The example files are simple scripts that live in the maraboupy/examples folder that contain commented demonstrations of different Maraboupy functions. The example files are automatically pulled into this documentation using sphinx_gallery, which creates html pages with alternating text and code blocks. Text blocks are generated from comment lines that begin with a "# %%" comment line. Code blocks begin when the lines of comments end. In the future, these examples could be run when building the documentation, and outputs or plots from execution could be incorporated into the html. However, the examples currently are not executed, which is why the bottom of the html files says the examples run in 0 seconds. Also, the bottom of the html files allows a user to download a python or notebook file for the example directly from the html documentation. The example files should begin with a comment block that has the example name followed by a line of equal signs. This is the standard way to write a header line in reStucturedText format. Comment lines can also leverage the reStructredText format to make headers, links, bold text, etc. More information on the reStructuredText format can be found [here](https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html). The names of the example files are prefixed with a number, which indicates the order in which the examples will appear in the menu of the html documentation. When adding a new example file, it is a good idea to build the documentation locally and ensure that the html generated from the example looks correct. Instructions for building the documentation can be found in the README.md of the maraboupy/docs folder. The new examples will be deployed online after being merged into the master branch, so it's important to check that the examples are going to be displayed correctly before merging.